It’s that time again, to clean out the gutters and to rake away the leaves from the foundation. Time to put away the patio furniture or wrap it for the winter, and let’s not forget about the ceramic and terra cotta pots, they should be put away to ensure another year of enjoyment. Most importantly though, it’s time to winterize your irrigation system. Take the time now to make sure you’ve been scheduled. Letters have been mailed with an appointment date, please call our office if you haven’t received your letter, and be sure to add it to your calendar.
We start winterizing systems in the middle of October and are normally completed by Thanksgiving. If you have new shrubs, landscaping or you are re-seeding you may want to consider a later turn off. However, if you are done watering, just turn the controller to off, turn off your water for the irrigation system and we will winterize the system on your prescheduled date. Typically the ground doesn’t freeze until after Thanksgiving, although you never know what Mother Nature has in store for us. Last year we had early sub- freezing temperatures and snow, then, December warmed up again.
If you had any challenging areas during the past watering season, please alert us so we can address them next spring.
Lastly this time of the year can get quite cold. Make sure if cold temperatures are forecasted you turn off your sprinklers. Every year, it seems that some people forget to turn their systems off during freezing temperatures. We’ve seen many properties become an “ice world” after an early freeze. It’s really quite beautiful but it wreaks havoc with shrubs and is dangerous on the sidewalks, roads and could cause accidents. Just simply turn off your clock.
Any questions? We are here to help. Wishing you all a wonderful fall!
Email us at Our office hours until Thanksgiving are 8am-4pm Monday-Friday and Saturday 8am-3pm.
Wishing you a wonderful fall, enjoy the foliage and this beautiful time of the year!